Restoring hope, improving wellbeing, connecting in relationships and healing for trauma...
I have a passion for helping people and am experienced in various therapeutic modalities to assist with a variety of issues that impact on psychological wellbeing, including but not limited to:
Adjustment problems
Anxiety disorders
Behaviour change
Developmental trauma from childhood
Depression/ Mood disorders
Grief and Loss
Healthy living
Personal growth
Relationship problems
Stress management
Get in touch with me to set up an appointment or first interview, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to enquire whether my services are the best fit for your needs or to book an appointment.
Unit 2 Tonquani House, 6 Gardner Williams Drive, Paardevlei, Firgrove Rural, 7110
(+27) 078 092 7159
I have a special interest in the following areas of practice:
Eye Movement Integration (EMI) Therapy: EMI is useful for treating any symptoms or difficulties that can be reasonably traced to a traumatizing incident or period of the client’s life. This includes trauma-induced symptoms such as sleeplessness, increased anxiety, panic attacks, emotional numbness, increased irritability, anger outbursts, emotional lability (mood swings), depression or substance abuse.
Ego State Therapy is especially useful for early developmental or complex trauma and its impact on personality formation and emotional dysregulation, such as found with Developmental trauma, Borderline Personality disorder, and Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Tension & trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE)
Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (or TRE®) is a simple yet innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.
Anxiety & Depression
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has been empirically tested and has shown effectiveness comparable to medication in treating mood and anxiety disorders. CBT assists with identifying and challenging the dysfunctional or irrational thoughts patterns and unhelpful core beliefs e.g. "I'm not good enough", that contribute to the intensity of emotions such as depression, anxiety and anger. I also use some of the aspects of dialectical behaviour therapy: such as the dialectical philosophy, biopsychosocial theory, regulating emotions, mindfulness and acceptance-orientated interventions.
I am involed in various projects with an NPO where I facilitate groups and present workshops related to Self-Care. This impacted on my approach to individual therapy and I now teach a model for self-therapy related to understanding the various aspects impacting on your relationship with yourself - to learn to manage your emotions, thoughts and engage your will power in order to change your behaviour. The aim is to encourage mature self-presentation in order to enhance our relationships with ourselves, others, our work/nature and God. I have a soft spot for working with all Health Care Practitioners, especially doctors, dentists and social workers - who carry a heavy burden of care, often leading to burnout.
Have you ever had conflict within yourself, with your head wanting one thing but your heart wanting another? Or finding yourself reacting towards your partner or boss as thought they are replicas of your parents or other authority figures from your past? Or still reacting towards your own parents as though you are 10 years old instead of 40? Resource Therapy is a trauma informed empowering psychotherapy based on the understanding that the personality is composed of parts. The part that presents an issue in therapy is seldom the part that needs change. The presenting part is complaining about another personality part. The Resource Therapist brings the part of the personality that needs change into the conscious, so it can be worked with directly. This facilitates a quicker, deeper, and longer lasting change.
brain working recursive therapy
BWRT® helps to remove strong negative emotions associated with memories - so that they are no longer painful or trigger undesirable behavioural responses. It does this by creating new neural pathways, consistent with the latest developments in Neurosciene. It can be used to treat phobias, social anxiety, performance anxiety, trauma (PTSD), issues with authority figures, and interpersonal or relationship problems to name but a few.
I don’t do Couple’s therapy, but I believe that understanding how our different personality types, styles of relating to others and our protective mechanisms affect our interpersonal functioning, is key to improving our interpersonal effectiveness. In intimate relationships we often struggle to receive or give the kind of love, intimacy and connection we desire. Using a combination of therapeutic approaches, I believe we can all have more satisfying and fulfilling intimate relationships - with our partners, children, family, colleagues and friends.
“The impressive efficacy and rapidity of EMI derives from its ability to help the mind do precisely what it was designed to do: heal itself using its own inner resources.”
Let's Chat.
Use the form below to contact me regarding an appointment. You may also email, WhatsApp or call me to make an appointment.